
17 September 2010


one thing about raya is FOOD. the food on raya is totally "something" something like even you don't like it you will still eat it because of RAYA MOOD. and the problem is MY WEIGHT! damn makin naik makin naik. naik gila punya senang but for cut the fat down pergh boleh sampai sakit. i want my old weight when i was in segamat. HOW COME IN SEGAMAT MY WEIGHT IS JUST 43 OK!!!! now??? haha you can guess.. FAT FAT FAT FAT.. WOMEN CAN BE SO SCARED ONLY BECAUSE OF THE WEIGHT. : ) Guys. dont blame us.

credit to tumblr. (i think. im so sorry because i dont remember)

Oh: kalau getting fat and getting cuter like that cute chubby wubby bubbly baby at that picture then i am relief if i get fat. 

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