
15 May 2010


Please please i need someone to help me to force me STOP from watching this. they are super good. okay. i know its kinda late for me to start like them indeed others already fanatic about them but better late then never rite? :-D 

sebelum ni pun dah tgk video group ni. tapi dulu tak kenal. sbb tu org cakap tak kenal maka tak cinta. and then i started to watch this after my friend aimi najiah show that to me. they are hilarious!!! i keep on laughing each episode. terasa semua masalah hilang (padahal tambah masalah sebab satu kerja pun tak jalan sbb tgk benda ni). kekuatan antara diorang tu sgt kuat. duduk dalam satu kumpulan sgtla tertekan sbb ada macm macam perangai. even 1 rumah kalau ada 7 orang pun macam macam boleh jadi. even dalam family pun anything can happen. inikan pula 13 orang. dan akhirnya masalah timbul dan 3 orang kot tarik diri. but whatever brotherhood between each other tu sangat kuat. sangat terkejut dgn penampilan diorang atas pentas dgn dalam cerita ni sangat jauh berbeza. 

and i hope they will still be friends sebab sangat sedih bila berlakunya pecah belah kan. we never know what will happen in future but sometimes losing someone is the best for the future. we call it as 
i love them. hahaha 

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