
31 March 2010

Teddy Bear

hai saya sangat terasa diri ini loser today.. i was excited going to class this morning.. but yang sebetulnya class tu da tamat last week. tak pasal cik pensyarah mengatakan padan muka kepada kami. "itula sape sape suruh absence my class last week" ..

tade sape suruh cik. kami tak pergi kerana malam sebelum tu kami tidur at 4 am.. owh sgt la mengantuk la kan.. ehhehe yes excuse us.

then afternoon.. supposely we have class at 12.30.. then cancel also and the cancelation i only know at 12.15 ... ergh... terima kasih zatie kerana bawa kereta today mcm ada instinct je..

oh : LOSER nya...!!!!!

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