
31 March 2010

Teddy Bear

hai saya sangat terasa diri ini loser today.. i was excited going to class this morning.. but yang sebetulnya class tu da tamat last week. tak pasal cik pensyarah mengatakan padan muka kepada kami. "itula sape sape suruh absence my class last week" ..

tade sape suruh cik. kami tak pergi kerana malam sebelum tu kami tidur at 4 am.. owh sgt la mengantuk la kan.. ehhehe yes excuse us.

then afternoon.. supposely we have class at 12.30.. then cancel also and the cancelation i only know at 12.15 ... ergh... terima kasih zatie kerana bawa kereta today mcm ada instinct je..

oh : LOSER nya...!!!!!

30 March 2010


.esok seperti semalaman yang tak berubah.

oh: im craving with this.. auch. anyone please do this for me.. if u do i will love u more n more.. YUMMY.!

28 March 2010

breath now.

to many assignment makes me boring.. BREATH...

27 March 2010


oh: this is for sharul, anis, aimi, aifa, zatie, aina, caca, emma, kecik, pejal, mariza, dd and everyone!!! that i know from i was born until now.. i love u all!!!!!!especially someone.. u know who.


oh: abandon is hurt.

26 March 2010

The nerve getting started NOW.

OK find. yes my blog are here now.. there are so many people said to me like:

"ana u ada akaun tp kenape tak buat blog"

"ana kenape ko tade blog kosong je akaun ko"

"ana ko tulis jela ape ape pun"

"i klik u.. ingat u ada tulis pape rupanye tade"

and many more..

at last.. i dont know why i feel like to write here.. so many things actually i wanna share with u guys..

well mathematician please describe the graph below: *.*

oh: please ignore my bad language.. im learning from u guys.. do tell me where im wrong..