
15 December 2011

Kesakitan Urutan

keadaan yang tak berapa elok! kt mesti tensen kan kalau kt sakit tapi taktau punca.. okay.. now da tau punca so korang.. pembaca pembaca yang baca ni sila aware perkara ni.. well sharing is caring..

kalau korang nak tau keadaan daku amatlah tidak elok.. kerana kaki kiriku naik ketulan ketulan.. mcm gelembung gelembung air.. so masa first day kene ingatkan amende la kan.. kayap kot. so pergi doktor.. doktor kate bukan kayap . sbb i tak gatal.. and that thing tak sakit.. so doktor yg ni mengatakan allergic.. dia pun bgla ubat sapu allergic.. tp hari ke-3 benda tak berkurang.. pergi balik doktor doktor kate ada kaitan ngn saraf.. infection.. bla bla.. so akhirnye penyakit ku ada nama.. tp tak ingatla amende doktor tu sebut.. pelik norr bunyik nye.. so ni berpunca drpd.. minyak urut. sebelum timbul nye biji biji gelembung belon ni i pegi mengurut sbb lutut ku erk mcm tak betul.. org kelantan panggi "NYETOK" mcm otot kejang mcmtula.. then bila pegi urut.. kemungkinan tgn tukang urut tak berapa bersih.. minyak tak berapa bersih.. campuran minyak yg tah pape.. so bila tukang urut tu tekan dan tekan dan tekan lagi minyak minyak tu masuk dalam liang liang roma.. nak dijadikan cerita bila da masuk dalam liang liang roma.. tu yg terjadinye infection.. dan naik mcm mcm.. sbb tula.. so beware ok mana nak pegi urut tu.. make sure everything is CLEAN ok. sharing is caring.. harap keadaan bertambah elok. thanks..

17 November 2011

Beat the Bad Guy Girls!

To all girls around the world. Use this! WE MUST BEAT THE BAD GUY BABES!! we didn't deserve this kind of treatment.

be careful boys!

16 November 2011

From Marco Simoncelli

Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away to the next room. I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that, we still are. Call me by my old familiar name. 
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. 
Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effect. Without the trace of a shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same that it ever was. There is absolute unbroken continuity. 
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you. For an interval. Somewhere. Very near. Just around the corner. All is well.
-Henry Scott Holland 

 Full credit to Marco Simoncelli

14 August 2011

Rumah Sewa Shah Alam, Seksyen 7, UiTM Shah Alam

Bilik master bedroom kekosongan untuk 4 orang, Kemasukan SEPTEMBER 2011 shah alam. NEED A.S.A.P

Harga: Rumah is RM1500.. so bahagi 8.. each person need to pay 187.50 tak termasuk bil letrik and air.
Bilik Master Bedroom
Lokasi: Kondominium Kristal, Seksyen 7, Shah Alam, Belakang fakulti ENGINEERING.
Hanya Kekosongan untuk 4 orang WANITA SAHAJA (Rumah da ada 4 orang.. memerlukan 4 orang lagi..)
Rumah adalah half furnished.. tade washing machine (dobi ada di ground floor).. katel untuk master bedroom pun tade.. ada t.v., meja makan, sofa, boleh memasak.
Sebarang pertanyaan sila comment disini atau email sy di

Terima Kasih,

04 April 2011

All about Dynamic Views for Readers - Blogger Help

All about Dynamic Views for Readers - Blogger Help
as for my first test..

21 March 2011

Guy and Girl

A guy and a girl can be just friends, 
but at one point or another, 
they will fall for each other.. 
maybe temporarily, 
maybe at the wrong time, 
maybe too late, 
or maybe forever.
-500 days of summer

oh: but it always to late and forever....

18 March 2011

Dog dont leave friends in tsunami JAPAN

Dog dont leave friends.... 
but human do leave friends.. 
whats the difference between human and dog.. 
it just human have the ability to think.. 
but not dog.. but i think animals have the heart.. 
but human is so heartless...

oh: there is time i had to leave friends. since they are not so call "friend"

you call yourself A MAN???? naaaaa....

17 March 2011

for him

16 March 2011


A real boyfriend

someone who loves you for who you are; 
someone who is there for you thick and thin; 
someone who loves you more than you ever thought someone could love you; 
someone who would do anything for you; 
someone who loves you flaws and all; 
someone who tells you you're beautiful, 
even when you don't think you are; 
someone who makes you feel something special 
when no one else ever could; 
someone who makes you smile and laugh and be happy all the time; 
someone who’s just the greatest in your eyes and 
you're the greatest in their's; 
someone who could never hurt you; 
someone who would fight for you; 
someone who sticks up for you; 
someone who isn't afraid to talk about how great he thinks 
you are to his friends, or anyone who will listen; 
someone who listens to your thoughts; 
someone who isn't afraid to tell you his feelings; 
someone who trusts you with his heart. 

A real boyfriend, that's what I have and I’ll never take him for granted because he's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
credit: TUMBLR blogconfession

07 March 2011


saya perasan diri saya sgt malas sekarang. terasa seperti ingin berehat sahaja. teruknya. i feel lost.

13 January 2011

Proof that girls are Evil

10 January 2011

Tolong Ingatkan Aku (Please Remind Me) - Ana Raffali

She deserve to win. 
Look how beautiful her lyrics and shes only 26 to make this lyric. She deserve to win because AJL is about compose a beautiful song not how famous the artist. It just my opinion. Juries know how to make their work and this year the juries is a very TALENTED MUSICIAN. 

Tolong Ingatkan Aku - Ana Raffali

Jangan disusun kata-kata penamat
Jangan disebut baris ayat keramat
Biar lenyap diserap sunyi
Biar senyap yang tak menyepi

Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa

Mari patahkan papan markah lama
Mari padamkan buku tiga lima
Biar luka sembuh sendiri
Biar lupa dimakan hari

Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Kau dampingi aku
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu

Bila marah merasuk minda
Kecewa menyelubungi jiwa
Aku lupa

Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa
Ku teringatkanmu
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu

Tolong ingatkan aku kisah kita
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa

Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kita

05 January 2011

Sunnah way of CUTTING THE NAILS!

credit to tumblr wandielullaby

02 January 2011


I just love this song.. i dont have any similar situation or what ever like this song.. but this is beautiful. : P
ENJOY. credit to youtube.
owh i provide lyrics to.. lets sing together!

Takkan pernah habis air mataku
Bila ku ingat tentang dirimu
Mungkin hanya kau yang tahu
Mengapa sampai saat ini ku masih sendiri

Adakah disana kau rindu padaku
Meski kita kini ada di dunia berbeda
Bila masih mungkin waktu berputar
Kan kutunggu dirimu

Biarlah ku simpan sampai nanti aku kan ada di sana
Tenanglah diriku dalam kedamaian
Ingatlah cintaku kau tak terlihat lagi
Namun cintamu abadi